January 2023 Newsletter

Community Speed Watch

The residents of Newdigate, Mole Valley, fully supported by the Parish Council and Surrey County Council Highways and working in partnership with Surrey Police, are monitoring vehicle speeds in the village and its approaches in an effort to reduce the number of drivers who choose to exceed the speed limits.

This is not an enforcement check, but vehicle details will be passed to Surrey Police who in turn will write to registered keepers asking them to encourage those who use the vehicle to keep to the speed limits.

Newdigate has a team of eight volunteers and four approved sites for undertaking the Speed Watch activity. The volunteers are under instruction not to get involved in any disputes over their activity. If there are any issues and concerns regarding this matter, please contact Surrey Police. PC 3029 Edward Ferris is the casualty reduction officer for this area.

The Parish Council, Mole Valley and Surrey County Council are fully committed to reducing speeding vehicles through the villages and approach roads.

Report It!

The Parish Council receive many emails with concerns regarding the condition of our highways such has pavements and footpaths, and these are duly reported to Surrey County Council. However, please remember that residents can report any defect using the Surrey County Council website too. The more complaints that are received directly may result in a quicker response to any repairs.

The Councillors can be contacted via the clerk on clerk@newdigateparishcouncil.gov.uk but please do remember that any items to be added to the agenda must be received by the clerk at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Our next Parish council meeting will be on Monday 9 January at 8pm in the village hall.



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