June 2024 Newsletter

June 2024 

The Annual Meeting of the Council was held on Monday 13th May 2024. At this meeting, the Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected for the coming year. All councillors voted to re-elect William Harmsworth who will continue in his role as Chairman and Phill Crutcher to continue as Vice Chairman.

Newdigate C of E Primary School – Swimming Pool
The increase in running costs and much needed repairs are putting this amazing community asset under threat! Can you help? A Gofundme page has been set up to raise the much needed funds to keep this pool open for all the children and the community. If you are able to volunteer or help in any way please contact Mrs Bliss the Head teacher.

Transport for the South East ‘Your Voices’ survey
Transport for the South East (TfSE), the Sub-national Transport Body for the south east of England, is asking people to take part in their ‘Your Voices’ survey and submit views on the future transport needs of the region.
People are being asked to take part in the online survey where there are questions about transport-related issues such as accessibility and affordability. Participants can also share their experiences regarding congestion, noise pollution, air quality, road safety, public transport, personal safety, and walking and cycling routes.
The ‘Your Voices’ survey can be found online at tfse.org.uk until Sunday, 2 June 2024.

Surrey Environment Partnership
To help Surrey climb the waste league tables we need to reduce what we throw away, recycle more of what we do and make sure that what goes into recycling bins can definitely be recycled. The Surrey Environment Partnership (SEP) has lots of resources and advice to help you with that:

  • Sign up to Rethink Waste. It’s a great and free scheme that thousands of Surrey households are already taking part in. It can help you reduce what you throw away while earning points you can use to donate to charities and schools or to enter prize draws.
  • Recycle your food waste. Most households in Surrey already do so if yours doesn’t, why not join them?
  • Get to know the Surrey Recycles search tool and app. Just type in your postcode and an item and it will tell you the best thing to do with it where you live.
  • To make sure you get the right bin every time, check out SEP’s five quick wins for your bins.

Parish Council Matters
Please do check our website as local news and information is added on a regular basis which may be relevant to residents of the village. Please do join our Facebook page which will be updated with items of news that may be of interest.

Planning Committee Meeting – 3rd June 2024 @ 7.30pm
Full Parish Council Meeting – 10th June 20-24 @ 8pm.

You can contact the Councillors via the clerk at clerk@newdigateparishcouncil.gov.uk
Parish Council Website: www.newdigateparishcouncil.gov.uk

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