Summary Report on Newdigate Village Road Safety Consultation

The Council had a very good response from residents of Newdigate parish, over 150 detailed responses were received. Residents were asked to consider and rate in order of importance the following items that were key to the 2020 Consultation prepared in 2018. They were also asked to suggest further items for the Parish Council to consider. These will be summarised in a later report.

Key Proposals

1) Extending 30 mph speed limits in particular to Broad Lane and Parkgate Road.
2) Permanent 20 mph section in Village Street and Trigg Street.
3) Vehicle activated speed signs.
4) 7.5 Tonne weight restriction.
5) Formal pedestrian crossing in Village Street.
6) Improvements to the junction of Henfold Lane and Village Street.
7) Traffic calming with street lighting.

1 Speed Limit Revisions

The response to the consultation, as anticipated, rated revised speed limits both to extending the 30 mph zones and new permanent 20 mph area as the highest priority.
Many people in and around the centre of the village favoured the 20 mph zone whilst those living along Parkgate Road and Broad Lane favoured the extension of the 30 mph zones.
To ensure that both the centre of the village and the Parkgate area given fair consideration we recommend that both these items are taken forward as one item. Adding a 20 mph zone to the centre of the village will frustrate the rat run drivers and probably increase abuse of the 40 mph zones.

2 Vehicle Activated Speed Signs

Vehicle activated signs were the next most popular item. However, further in-depth investigation is required on the siting and style. We would propose these after the extended speed limits are in place, in particular Broad Lane as it very similar to the Strood Green/ Brockham straight. We will obtain advice from Brockham PC about the effectiveness of their own sign.

3 7.5 Tonne Weight Restriction

Imposing a 7.5 tonne restriction was favoured by some, but it must be recognised that it is probably unenforceable. In a situation where major construction projects are being carried out, then we are sure it is possible to obtain special restrictions for large projects not part of the village. The large housing estate North Horsham is of particular immediate concern. This should be discussed with Rusper PC.

4 Formal Pedestrian Crossing in Village Street

Only some support for this item and it would only benefit the centre of the village. It would have a disproportionate cost. Its only location would be outside the school which already has a lollipop lady for school hours.

5 Henfold Lane Village Street Junction

Limited support for this proposal. Whilst it is a dangerous junction, realigning the layout as suggested is probably unaffordable with limited improvement in safety.

6 Traffic Calming with Street Lighting

Speed humps in any form together with chicanes and other road narrowing under current legislation can only be installed with street lighting with speed limits 30 mph and above. If, however, the centre of the village was reduced to 20 mph then speed humps are allowed without street lighting. There was limited support for street lighting as it would destroy the village environment. The cost of street lighting would not be realistic for the village.
Shere Village now has a permanent 20 mph limit.


The other suggestions made were as follows and will be considered further in a later report:

1) Parking outside Bob’s Shop including making parking spaces on the corner of the Brocus.
2) Parking on the brow of hill by the church.
3) Reduction in cycling events.
4) Get Surrey Police to actually carry out random speed checks.
5) Fixed speed cameras.

Newdigate Parish Councillors will continue attending meetings with other neighbouring parish councils and Surrey CC Highways. These meetings are held regularly and arranged by County Councillor Helyn Clack to try to arrive at a common solution, although some of the issues are unique to Newdigate and can be lost in committee discussions. We also need to meet with our friends in Rusper Parish Council as we share much of the through traffic.
Thank you again to all the people that have responded, your input will be of great assistance when we discuss all these points with Surrey CC.

Nick Procter
Newdigate Parish Council
January 2020

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