November 2019 Newsletter

The Parish Council meeting on Monday 11 November was well attended as usual. The police report this month was quite brief with nothing major reported, although even minor crimes can still have a significant impact on the peace of mind of those affected. Residents can sign up online to the “In the Know” emails from the Police, which contain details of some of the criminal activity in Surrey. It was reported that the proposals for future spending put forward by the Council at the last meeting had been well received, with the exception of the suggestion of a roof over the seat near the Church.

There was an interesting discussion about the Surrey Brickworks Nature Reserve and the work that needs to be done to bring it back to its former glory. The paths need attention and there is a lot of cutting back of overgrown vegetation to be done. Local volunteers are doing their best currently to keep the overgrown undergrowth at bay. If you have not visited it yet, it is well worth seeking out. There are pleasant walks, including a circular one around the big lake and some lovely views. It is a good place to take Fido for a walk and is well used by other dog walkers.

The entrance to the site is so well hidden that unless you learn about its exact location by word of mouth you will have difficulty finding it without an ordnance survey map. I had one and still got lost on my first attempt to find it. I was lucky enough to meet a fisherman there on my first visit who showed me around and said you get an excellent view of the lakes and the whole Nature Reserve if you are on a plane coming from Gatwick airport. If you are a walker, go along Hogspudding Lane and on the left there is a footpath at the entrance to the Mulberries. If you are driving, turn into the Mulberries and bear left. You will see a large gate which you can open to access the good-sized parking area. There are noticeboards with interesting information about the various birds and other wildlife which inhabit the area.

The road safety survey was distributed with this month’s issue of the Village Magazine. There has been a good response so far and the replies will be analysed at the end of November, in time for the December meeting of the Parish Council. There was a discussion about setting up a Speedwatch scheme, which seems to work quite well in other areas. One of the Parish Councillors produced a large sticker showing a suggested speed of 20 miles an hour which residents in Rusper are placing on their wheelie bins. It was agreed that this was a good way to draw the attention of drivers to their speed, even though the bins are only placed on the edge of properties once a week, and a supply of the stickers will be ordered for use by Newdigate residents.

The next Meeting of the Parish Council is on Monday 9 December at 8pm in the Village Hall and you are welcome to attend.


[mks_one_half]Lesley Bignell, Clerk to the Council[/mks_one_half]

12 November 2019[/mks_one_half]





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