Electoral Divisions

The independent Local Government Boundary Commission for England (the Commission) is asking for residents and parishes to help in drawing up a new pattern of electoral divisions in Surrey.

The Commission will be giving more information about the review and answering questions at an online briefing on Wednesday 29th March at 7pm. You can watch the live briefing, and ask questions using this invitation and the video will be available after the meeting.

Meeting Link

Information on Surrey Electoral Review

In drawing up the new divisions, the Commission aims to ensure that each councillor represents roughly the same number of electors. The review will also try to create divisions that as far as possible reflect the interests and identities of communities across Surrey. Since the last review in 2012 the population in some of the divisions has grown more than others and there is more development taking place. Your views about the boundaries are therefore important in ensuring effective governance for Surrey in future.

The Commission would like to hear opinions on:

  • the number of divisions
    the names of divisions
    where the boundaries between divisions should lie
    the number of councillors for each division.

You can make an online submission on the Commission’s website or send your views by email to reviews@lgbce.org.uk or by post to:

Review Officer (Surrey)
PO Box 133
NE24 9FE

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