
News, Newsletter

May 2021 Newsletter

Back to Normal! Well, sort of. At any rate, we were at last permitted to hold face-to-face meetings again on 10 May in the Village Hall, albeit having to comply […]

News, Newsletter

March 2021 Newsletter

The Parish Council meeting was again held online on 8 March at 8pm. Meetings held online have not been particularly successful and have caused misunderstandings. Only personal attendance at meetings

News, Newsletter

February 2021 Newsletter

The Parish Council meeting was again held online only on 8 February at 8pm. The enthusiasm among residents for attending online meetings is growing and this time we had 12

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January 2021 Newsletter

The first Parish Council meeting of 2021 took place online only on Monday 11 January. Several members of the public were also able to join the meeting via the zoom

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November 2020 Newsletter

Having been repeatedly assured by government that there would be no second lockdown, perhaps because of the misery and damage the first one had caused to the population, we are

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October 2020 Newsletter

The Parish Council meeting on Monday 12 October was attended by 4 members of the public in the hall and 2 members of the public remotely via zoom. Traffic calming

News, Newsletter

March 2020 Newsletter

The Parish Council met on Monday 9 March which turned out to be yet another very wet and wild evening, the sort that keeps most people at home. Nevertheless, there

News, Newsletter

February 2020 Newsletter

There were several interesting items on the agenda for the 10 February meeting and a good turnout of residents. The Regional Development Manager from English Rural Housing gave a helpful

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