By the time you read this newsletter we will have seen the back of this very trying year. The last Parish Council meeting of 2020 took place in the Village Hall on Monday 14 December. This was a hybrid meeting so people were able to attend in person or online.
There were some technical problems with the online system unfortunately, for which please accept the Council’s apologies if you were unable to participate. The new camera system and improved layout of tables and chairs did, however, for the first time enable online participants to view the meeting hall. Improvements are ongoing, further new equipment is being purchased, and it is anticipated that the January meeting will run more smoothly.
The annual review of Councillors’ geographical areas of responsibility and membership of various committees was conducted and this resulted in a few small changes. Full details are available on the website but if anyone would like a paper copy please let me know.
It has been reported that the Parish Council’s letter to the Practice Manager at Brockwood Surgery following the November meeting has resulted in an improvement to the system for people wishing to make an appointment on the telephone if they are unable to do this online.
There were 10 planning applications to discuss this month as a flurry of new ones were notified at the year end. The Blanks Lane applications were the subject of much debate and complaint from councillors and residents alike and letters of objection will be sent to Mole Valley planning.
Best wishes to everyone for a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
There will be a Finance Committee meeting on Monday 4 January 2021 and a meeting of the full Parish Council on Monday 11 January 2021. The agenda notices will be published on the noticeboards and website on Wednesday before the meetings.
[mks_one_half]Lesley Bignell, Clerk to the Council[/mks_one_half]
15th December 2020[/mks_one_half]