Grass Verges
The Parish Council have been asked to look into the matter of logs, stones and other items being used to protect grass verges outside of residential properties. Unless otherwise specified in your deeds, a ‘public highway’ will usually include the road, pavement and grass verges between the boundary fence, dry stone wall or hedge line and the road. We would like to remind residents that under the provisions of the Highways Act 1980, it is an offence to block, obstruct or damage road verges; this includes rocks, posts, A-boards etc. If someone is injured or damages their vehicle on rocks or posts etc. legal action could be taken against you as the homeowner. Whilst we understand residents desire to maintain the appearance of our village we did feel it was incumbent on us to clarify the legal position of these actions, so residents are aware of the potential implications. Therefore, in essence the homeowner is responsible for ensuring the boundary adjacent to the road is unobstructed and safe. Any incident of obstacles being placed on the verges is a matter for SCC Highways.
Newdigate Speed Watch Project
Eight volunteers for speed-watch are now fully trained and the Police have approved the location sites for them to carry this out safely. All the equipment is in the care of our Councillor Peter Perdue.
At our October Parish Council meeting it was agreed to proceed with the possibility of the installation of Vehicle Activated Speed Signs following a positive report from Peter Perdue.
With support from Surrey County Council and local Police we are looking to locate and erect four repeater speed indicators, similar to those erected in Charlwood.
The four locations are: –
- Kingsland as traffic enters Newdigate – indicated speed 30mph
- Rusper Road – a convenient location between Newdigate Garage and the Fence as you enter the Village – indicated speed 30mph
- Parkgate Road at a point near Halcyon – indicated speed 30mph
- Parkgate Road at a point near to the Surrey Oaks – indicated speed 40mph
Could you please notify the Parish Clerk of your agreement.
Electoral Canvas in Mole Valley – Don’t lose your right to vote!
The Mole Valley District Council Democratic & Electoral Services Team will be contacting ALL properties to check who is eligible to vote in future elections. You may be contacted by email (if this is held on record) or by letter. Please ensure that the details on file are correct as this could affect your entitlement to vote.
The Electoral Register is also used by third parties such as banks, mobile phone companies etc. to confirm your address so being registered is important. For more information, please visit the MVDC website at
Useful Contacts
Cllr Charles Engel – tele: 01306 631105
Cllr Lesley Bushnell – tele: 01306 711275
Surrey County Council for rural villages –
Our next Parish council meeting will be on Monday 14th November 2022 at 8pm in the village hall. The Councillors can be contacted via the clerk on